Streaming search engine, JustWatch launches in South Africa

JustWatch, a search engine for online streaming, has launched in South Africa with the aim of connecting movie fans with their favourite contents worldwide.

JustWatch help users find out where to watch movies legally. They can easily search through streaming services like Netflix, iTunes, ShowMax, BoxOffice, Google Play et al, and instantly find out what’s new and popular in the streaming world.

The platform comes with some amazing features such as the Timeline which features all recently added movies, sorted by service and the Watchbar, which remembers individual settings.

Users can also can customize their search whether you are looking for the newest streams or most popular movies. Further filter options include release year and favourite genres.

Finally home, time to get comfy on the couch and watch a movie. The only problem: Where to stream it? Which service has the new blockbuster you’ve been waiting to see? What’s new on your favorite streaming service like Netflix, ShowMax and GooglePlay? JustWatch is the solution to all those questions,” the founders stated in a press release made available to TechLoy.

JustWatch is completely free for users, however its business model is to help movie studios and independent film makers advertise to the right audience. As such, the team is building a fully integrated ad­tech stack to be able to target those fans.

The goal is to make movie marketing a lot more efficient for advertisers and a lot less annoying and more valuable for users.

JustWatch, which claims to list over 500,000 offers for more than 37,000 movies and TV shows, is available as a web app and can be downloaded for free on the Google Play Store and Apple Store.

JustWatch provides users with a simple, fast and intuitive search experience. Try it out now!

JustWatch, founded in October 2014 in Berlin, currently operates in the USA, Germany, Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, UK, and Ireland. An international rollout is in the offing!


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