This week on Big Brother

You have got to hand it to Prezzo for being a snake in the grass. First he put his woman, Goldie, up for eviction, but then when they both survived, he went back to her like nothing happened. The poor girl thinks he is deeply in love with her. You can’t blame her, because when Alex told her that she looked better without the ridiculous eyelashes, she ran off to tell Prezzo, who was quick to bite Alex’s head off. He even went on to bar Alex from speaking to her again. When it came out that Keagan was talking about Prezzo behind his back, the Kenyan rapper again called him out in front of the other housemates. Unlike before, when Keagan was all high and mighty, this time when Prezzo spoke, the man listened with his tail between his legs. NOMINATIONS REVIEW Goldie, Kyle, Lady May and Prezzo are up for eviction this week. People are probably getting really worried about Goldie’s ever-changing emotions. She is the personification of the phrase “cry me a rive...