
Showing posts from May, 2012

Top 5 Tips On How To Get a Man To Find You Irresistibly Attractive

By AJ Martinez Have you ever noticed one of your friends dating someone that was not exactly her type? Although the guy probably was not the type that she would normally go for, chances are he used one or more of these tips to "override" her basic idea of what she normally finds attractive. Here is a list of the top five tips that will help you with how to attract men: 1. Emotional Arousal This one tip will help you get more dates than any other technique out there. As a general rule of thumb, whenever our bodies produce adrenaline (such as during a fight or flight response), feelings of attraction along with desire to those around us often come about. Adrenaline produced through any state of increased arousal (whether it be fear, excitement, exercise, or whatever) will generate and intensify passionate feelings. Whenever two people are together and some sort of emotional arousal takes place (such as with rollercoaster rides, scary movies, or even physical exercise), h...